Pye Baek
Korean Traditional Wedding
이국적인 하와이 데스티네이션 웨딩에 패백을 더한다면 완벽해집니다.
하와이에서도 한국의 폐백을 완벽하게 준비해드립니다.
Traditional ceremony to pay respect to the (bride)groom's family by the newly-wedded couple right after their wedding
총 소요 시간 : 30분 내외
Pyebaek is a Korean wedding custom that is traditionally held a few days after the official ceremony, with only family members present. The ceremony begins with the older couple seated on cushions behind a table in front of a painted screen, with the newlyweds opposite them. The newlyweds perform a deep bow which begins standing and ends with the newlyweds pressing their foreheads to their hands while kneeling on the floor. The bride may present the groom's parents with Dae-Chu (Korean dates) and chestnuts, which symbolize children. A variation will have the newlyweds offering cups of Korean wine, usually cheongju. The bride offers the cup to the father, and the groom offers the cup to the mother. Sometimes the parents will then also offer the newlyweds cups of cheongju or soju. The older couple then shares some wisdom on marriage from their advanced experience. Finally they will throw the Dae-Chus and chestnuts back at the bride and groom, who have to try catching them with a bride’s long hand scarf.
Modern Korean weddings have incorporated the Pyebaek ceremony after the wedding ceremony. The original Pyebaek was exclusively for the groom's side of the family to be introduced to the new family member, the bride. In current day Korean weddings, they have also allowed for the Pyebaek ceremony to be with the brides side of the family also.
폐백 $2,500 | PYE BAEK $2,500 |
큰상(1), 겹보자기(파란색&빨간색), 모형음식(구절판, 닭고기, 육포, 떡, 대추&밤) 병풍, 돗자리, 방석(4), 대추, 밤(시즌에 따라 하와이넛 대체), 원앙한쌍, 복주머니 교자(술)상, 약주, 주전자, 약주잔(6), 조화장식
신부님: 한복, 한복 위에 걸치는 폐백용 장삼 족두리, 도투락댕기, 앞댕기, 비녀, 연지곤지, 꽃신, 장신구 일체 신랑님 : 한복, 신랑님 한복위에 걸치는 폐백용 장삼, 허리띠, 사모관대
한복 벌당 $100 과일 / 별도문의 떡 / 별도문의 촬영1인 1시간 $750/ 원본파일(200장 이상), 정밀보정본 20장
| PYE BAEK PACKAGEWe offer everything you need for the PyeBaek ceremony.
Additional Options Hanbok Rental $100 Fruit / Separate inquiry Rice cake / Separate inquiry 1 hour Photography $750 |
* 서비스차지(20%) + 하와이택스(4.712%) 별도
* Service charge (20%) + Hawaii tax (4.712%) separately
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